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ABSTRACT:Computational Intelligence is a branch of study of artificial Intelligence. CI is a set of machine capabilities which allowed a machine to use acquired knowledge and to solve new task efficiently in the presence of new condition of their performance. Neural network is a technique of artificial intelligence i.e., computational intelligence. It is on information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous system, such as the brain, process information. A neural network is an interconnected group of biological neurons in modern uses that constituted of artificial neurons. In general a neural network is composed of groups or groups of physically connected or functionally associated neurons. A single neuron can be connected to many other neurons and the total number of neurons and connection in a network can be extremely large. Artificial neural network is a crude electronic model based on neural structure of the brain. The brain stores information as patterns utilizes these patterns and solves problems. This paper species that how the human brain learns? And also that defines the essential
Features of neurons and their interconnections. We then typically program a computer to simulate these features. In this paper we have shown theoretically neural network versus conventional computers. Neural networks are based as they are on a crude low level model of biological neural systems. In future, the development of this neurobiological modeling may lead to intelligent genuinely computers.