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Digital signal processing using SMART BIOMETRIC SOLUTIONS

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Biometrics is the science of measuring and statistically analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to the use of a person’s biological characteristics for personal identification and authentication. Fingerprint, iris-scan, retinal-scan, voiceprint, signature, handprint and facial features are some of the most common types of human biometrics.

Digital signal processors (DSPs), which are specially designed single-chip digital microcomputers that process electrical signals generated by electronic sensors (e.g., cameras, fingerprint sensors, microphones, etc.), will help to revolutionize this world of biometrics. The core of the biometric authentication process is made up of image processing and pattern matching or minutiae comparison algorithms. And the programmable DSP, with an architecture well-suited for implementing complex mathematical algorithms, can efficiently address all the processing needs of such a system.

The following information introduces the concept of a complete biometrics system solution based on semiconductor components, development tools, and software solutions. Additionally, the various concepts that outline the inherent advantages of a DSP in a biometric system - better accuracy, faster recognition and lower cost, all leading to
smarter biometrics - will also be covered.

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